Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hong Kong Adventure

Once upon a time their were two families that traveled to China to meet their beautiful daughters. At the end of their trip they decided to travel to Hong Kong before returning home to the cold & snowy USA. The Dads had fun and posed with their new baby girls for a few photos to remember their journey.
Photo shoots are hard work! All of a sudden their tummies started to growl...what to do?...
An idea? Lets get some food. They searched high and low for the best supper in Hong Kong. (Remember this is a story and not all facts are true :) ) They asked for directions! The Dads did a better job of finding the local train staion than this local. I think the map confused him a bit.
They all discussed the plan... how do the find the train to get to the resteraunt.
The over pass and the mall that they had to walk through was very, very crowded. But they managed to control their hunger and pressed on threw the people.

To Be continued...

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